Celestial Affinity - The Decimation of Bearmount

Created by Cerberus Studios

Miniature 54mm Medieval Fantasy Skirmish Game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Description error
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 09:31:53 AM


Hello all,

A description error has been pointed out to me on the latest Var'ac Add-on, where it says it includes x3 Var'ac and x3 Werewolves.

Kickstarter wont let me amend this description - please accept my apologies. The correct description should be x3 Var'ac ONLY.

Thank you, and apologies again for the description error. :)

The Var'ac have been UNLOCKED
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 08:15:11 AM

The Vampyres thirst!!

It is with immense pride and delight that you as a community have made the next stretch goal happen. :)

I present to you the new 'Wraith unit of Var'ac warriors' - added as a new ADD-ON

The Var'ac

The Werewolves are UNLEASHED and UNLOCKED
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 11:48:18 AM

Howls pierce the night, your blood runs cold, the wolves are on the hunt!

Your support for this project has been absolutely wonderful, and i cant thank you all enough!

Some of you saw them at the Expo, and your requests have been heard, so as promised, and with utter delight... The Werewolves and their Transitions have been UNLOCKED! and now available as an ADD-ON.

Strike fear in the other races!!

Daemon Dice Tray Updates
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 05:49:38 PM

New Emperor Ar'onath Design and confirmed Daemon Dice Tray Design

Here are the first of 2 designs of Daemon Dice Tray:

Emperor Ar'onath is a new design and has been added to the ADD-ON selection

Daemon Dice Tray confirmed design and also in the ADD-ON selection

May they bring you luck in your dice rolls! :)

More design confirmations to follow.

The Celestial Affinity Miniature Box
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 05:16:42 PM

UPDATE NEWS - Miniature box Reveal

Find it in the ADD-ON selections

The Deep Snapshut, (using magnetic clasp and ribbon tab) Celestial Miniature box is the  perfect accessory to keep your minis and accessories safe.

Sized at 280x220x110mm and coming with pick and pluck foam, this case offers the flexibility to hold up to 9 (50mm based) miniatures, or a mix of minis, character cards, dice and accessories.

An embossed lid with a matt silver logo finishes off the presentation, adding a safe, aesthetic wow factor when you lay out your heroes for battle.

Grab yours from the ADD-ON selections